Do you want a fantastic return on your giveaway investment?
Consider that most giveaways consist of the same, tired and ineffective merchandise. Apparel, water bottles, sticky notes, and keychains are just a few items that bore prospects. Your message fades quickly with boredom.
A great book is different. Why? Because your firm captures that important Top Of Mind immediately.
And the best part? A book has an indefinite shelf life that your marketing can leverage. No t-shirt can stand up to that kind of ROI!
Consider these High Impact, Long Lasting prospect giveaway ideas for your prospects and existing customers:
- Electronic Book Delivery — Deliver a copy of the book using your existing online methods.
- Physical Book Delivery — Order printed books to hand personally to your clients and prospects.
- Your Brand, Your Message — Several options exist to include your marketing copy, logo, and links in the Promotional section of the book.
Perfect for tradeshows, seminars, and prospect meetings.
Do you want a high impact, long lasting giveaway for your data center product or service?
Then contact me. Let’s start with a conversation — .