A coherent, “all-in-one sock”, data center move guide

My new book, is available Now on Amazon in paperback. Use the Gumroad link for the online version.

Product Details

Why Get This Book?


Singing from the same song sheet is impossible if the choir can’t read the notes or even the words. But who has the time to educate everyone on a complex project like a data center move?

This guide not only strips the mystery from a data center move, but also
  • – jump starts project managers who want to understand the WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) category foundations
  • – informs Executives about their budget process and cost model
  • – warns Stakeholders to get Governance right
  • – slices the Gordian Knot of decision paralysis
  • – arms Human Resources to recognize key contributors versus the lazy, blanket recognition that demoralizes technical staff
Written in plain language, and organized to accelerate everyone’s understanding, this guide belongs in your library!

Author Bio – Blaine Berger

Blaine Berger

Blaine Berger

Blaine Berger is an inventor, an electrical engineer, and an entrepreneur of 17 years. His previous 13-year career at IBM included programming, architecture, consulting, and business development.

“There has to be a better way to bake lessons learned into lessons remembered! That’s my goal for this book.”

You can connect with Blaine on LinkedIn, Google+, or via e-mail sent to blaine@e-oasis.com .

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